City Improves 40 Residential Street Corner Ramps to ADA Standards

The City’s Public Works Department constructed approximately 40 ramps on residential street corners lacking Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access. The ramps are located on street corners adjacent to the upcoming pavement overlay within Zone 1. 

“This project provides curb access ramps and truncated domes (yellow ADA mats) to existing ramps throughout the City,” said Public Works Director Chau Vu. “These locations are prioritized from a list compiled by Public Works staff, based on requirements for the upcoming residential pavement management project and public requests.”

Many street intersections and crossings, particularly those within residential Maintenance Zone 1, which Yorktown Avenue bounds to the north, Magnolia Street to the east, Pacific Coast Highway to the south, and Lake Street to the west, needed more curb access ramps to comply with the ADA requirements. The $315,000 project has significantly improved ramps located at intersection sidewalks adjacent to the upcoming pavement overlay within Zone 1, making these areas more accessible for all.